Restaurants In Puijo

Puijo restaurants

Puijontie 135
70300 KUOPIO
+358 44 5810455 Company website

Puijo Tower Restaurant, Puijo Tower Café and Puijo Cottage

Puijo Tower is one of the most famous attraction in Kuopio and on the top of it serves a completely renovated Puijo Tower Restaurant and Puijo Tower Café. Next to Puijo Tower there is also Puijon Maja, where you can get lunch on weekdays and on weekends you can enjoy breakfast and dishes from the bistro menu, such as burgers and salmon soup.

Puijo restaurants offers world-class cuisine made from local high-quality ingredients. Enjoy the breathtakingly beautiful scenery and delicious local flavors.

Puijo can be reached, for example, by hiking the nature trails, with your own car or a taxi, and in summer also by local bus.

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